A lunar phase or phase of the moon is the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth.
A Lunar Halo is a ring around the Moon
A lunar halo is caused by light refracted through ice crystals in cirrus clouds. These six sided ice crystals refract the light at a 22 degree angle, almost always producing a halo that is 22 degrees in diameter.
A Lunar Halo is a ring around the Moon
A lunar halo is caused by light refracted through ice crystals in cirrus clouds. These six sided ice crystals refract the light at a 22 degree angle, almost always producing a halo that is 22 degrees in diameter.
First Quarter: the right half of the Moon appears lighted, with the lighted part growing larger on successive days.
Full Moon: lighted side of the Moon faces toward Earth.
New Moon: lighted side of the Moon faces away from the Earth.
Waxing Crescent: a small part of the Moon appears lighted and grows larger on successive days.
Third Quarter: the left half of the Moon appears lighted, with the lighted part growing smaller on successive days.
Waning Crescent: a small part of the lighted Moon is visible and grows smaller on successive days.
Waning Gibbous: more than half of the Moon appears lighted, with less and less becoming lighted on successive days.
Waning Gibbous: more than half of the Moon appears lighted, with less and less becoming lighted on successive days.
Waxing Gibbous: more than half of the Moon appears lighted, with more and more becoming lighted on successive days.